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Non-listed Company Questionnaire on Climate and Environmental Risk

In December 2022, the Green and Sustainable Finance Cross-Agency Steering Group (Steering Group) entered into a collaboration arrangement with CDP 1 to jointly enhance climate data availability and sustainability reporting in Hong Kong. As part of the collaboration, the Steering Group and CDP developed a Climate and Environmental Risk Questionnaire for Non-listed companies/small and medium-sized enterprises (Non-listed Company Questionnaire), which is a cross-sector reporting template designed for first-time reporting corporates in Hong Kong. The easy-to-use template is intended to facilitate financial institutions’ collection and assessment of company-level data for risk assessment and relevant business decisions.

Non-listed companies or SMEs may log in the Sustainability Disclosure e-Portal to submit the questionnaire responses.


To facilitate the use of the Non-listed Company Questionnaire, the Steering Group and CDP have developed comprehensive guidance and learning materials, conducted hybrid training workshops, and centralised the relevant resources that help users to fill in the questionnaire. Further details and e-materials are as below.

* The  Steering Group will continue to review and update the questions periodically with CDP's assistance, in line with global standards.


Non-listed Company Questionnaire Templates

The template comes in three versions with different level of granularity, to cater for variation in the reporting corporates’ size and sophistication.


Reporting Guidance and Training Materials

Seminar/workshop videos

Webinar on Climate Transition Plans

Workshop on Measuring Portfolio GHG Emissions

Focus Group Training - English Session

Focus Group Training - Cantonese Session 2

Focus Group Training - Cantonese Session 1

Workshop 2 - Deep Dive on Non-listed Company Questionnaire

Workshop 1 - Basic Teach-in on Climate Risks

Joint Seminar on Sustainability Reporting



Other Useful Learning Resources

Climate-related scenario analysis and transition plan

According to the Science-based Targets initiative, aligning with a 1.5°C world currently means reducing Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions to zero or close to zero and neutralising any residual emissions by 2050 at the latest. Scenario analysis and climate transition plans can be regarded as the tools that companies use to put them on track toward a 1.5°C world. The CDP has advised the following learning resources for reporting the use of these tools.

Useful links Description
CDP Technical Note on Scenario Analysis This technical note provides an overview of climate-related scenario analysis, key considerations for conducting scenario analysis.
CDP Technical Note on Relevance of Scope 3 Categories by Sector This technical note signposts the categories of Scope 3 emissions that companies should be measuring and taking action to mitigate.
CDP Technical Note on Scope 2 Emissions This technical note provides guidance on how companies should report their Scope 2 emissions to CDP in the current disclosure cycle.
CDP Technical Note: Reporting on Climate Transition Plans

CDP Webinar: Reporting on your Climate Transition Plan
The technical note and webinar provide guidance on how companies disclosing through CDP can demonstrate that they have a credible climate transition plan in place.


1 About CDP:

CDP is a global non-profit organisation that runs the world’s environmental disclosure system for companies, cities, states and regions. Nearly 20,000 organisations around the world disclosed data through CDP in 2022, including more than 18,700 companies worth half of global market capitalisation, and over 1,100 cities, states and regions.

Last update : 12 March 2024
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