Natixis CIB

ESG Internship

6 - 12 个月
Please send email to the below contact person for application with your CV:
Denise Lam
Email: denise.lam@natixis.com

About ESG Internship

Since 2017, the Natixis ESR team has been managed by a dedicated department, reporting to Corporate Secretary. The department is supported by a network of close to 200 correspondents across all our business lines and support functions worldwide. Moves to take on board environmental and social risks are a real performance and growth driver for our business lines, as we support our clients in staging their own transition to a more sustainable business model and offer them innovative solutions.

  • Advise Local Risk & Compliance teams You will advise during the local risk approval process on compliance with the group ESR Policies requirements in which you are the guide ensuring that risks are properly identified, assessed, and mitigated. Analyze the client and transaction which in combination provides the overall ESR profile associated with the business engagement.

  • Monitor and Report You will support the ESR Team in tracking and monitoring the APAC portfolio on conditions set in ESR opinions. Coordinate and provide input from APAC into the Group Annual Reports (e.g. TCFD) and other ESR reporting and public disclosures.

  • Policy Development and Integration You will support the ESR team in the promotion of ESR Policy Framework. This includes providing local training to Front Office, Risk and Compliance colleagues and develop ESR guidance documentation relevant to the APAC region when needed. Regularly liaise with ESR team in Head Office on ESR market development and trends that need to be considered for the development and update of the ESR Policy Framework.

  • Industry Stakeholder Engagement Help represent Natixis in local ESR initiatives and working groups, meetings with local industry associations (e.g. ASIFMA) and engage in discussion with local regulators (HKMA, MAS, etc.)

  • Engagement and Direct Impacts As a plus, participate in or coordinate regional initiatives that limit & reduce our direct impact on the environment and do good for the society and for our employees.